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 I'm sorry it's been so long since I've sent out an e-mail to update everyone but things have been hectic. As you all know Faith spent two weeks in the hospital back in September. At the end of October she was admitted for four more days. She'd been doing okay when suddenly on December 16th she went down hill. She had not been acting sick and only a little congested which the doctor was treating. On that Saturday morning she woke up and her oxygen saturation was great (98%)! Within an hour she dropped to 40% and started turning blue/purple and her skin looked like red veiny spider webs all over. We stuck her oxygen on her and rushed her to the hospital. They were expecting us since I called her pediatrician while Chris drove. They immediately put her on 100% oxygen mask and did blood work and chest x-rays. The x-rays showed a left lung FULL of pneumonia, they admitted her and moved her upstairs. Once upstairs she was given an injection of recefrin (sp?) and a dose of Zivox through her tube. Another CBC (complete blood count) was done. She stabilized but remained on the mask for about 6 days. On Sunday her neonatologist came in and said he felt we were out of the woods. He said that had her blood work between the 1st and 2nd CBC not improved we would have been traveling to Baptist (65 miles away). Because she showed a very slight improvement the night before he had decided to keep her. He told us that they were going to grow a culture and see if her blood grew anything, at that point he said he had a gut feeling that she was septic (infection had gone into her blood). He also told us that had we not brought her in when we did that we would've lost her. The infection had almost taken over and her little white blood cell counts were almost non-existent as they had almost been completely depleted. He said we were lucky, I say luck has NOTHING to do with it and we were blessed by God. She's a fighter and although we had to spend Christmas in the hospital since she was there 12 days, the holidays were not horrible. We had a wonderful Christmas with my parents up at the hospital exchanging gifts on Christmas Eve and then they came up Christmas day and we had dinner in the cafeteria. It was a very yummy Christmas meal. The nurses and staff were wonderful and since they've become like family we enjoyed Christmas with them! Faith came home this past Wednesday and is doing great. She's on a teeny tiny puff of oxygen at home but it's almost nothing and she doesn't needed constantly just when she starts to cough and has a hard time recovering. She's finally getting all that yucky stuff up and her blood counts were in the normal range when we left. Her doctor is very concerned about this winter season and we are determined to keep her indoors as much as possible according to his direction. Cabin fever may settle in but we have to keep her well. Please pray that God will keep His hand on her and keep her well as it's difficult for her to fight off bugs. She's a survivor and a fighter and has proven once again that the doctors don't know everything. After all she will be 21 months old on January 1st!!! PRAISE GOD!!!
  The rest of the family is doing well. Little peanut seems to be growing although I can't feel him/her move yet. I will 17 weeks along on New Year's Day and we will have an ultrasound on January 10th to find out if we are on the blue team or the pink team! We did have an ultrasound done at 12 weeks which is right around where I was when they diagnosed Faith. Everything looked great at that ultrasound and they could not find any deformaties or abnormalities at that time. The ultrasound on the 10th will be even more detailed and precise. Please continue to pray for this pregnancy, my health and the baby's. Pray for Faith and Chris as well that we can all stay healthy and that Chris can find a new job SOON as his plant is closing and he will be laid off on January 12th! We love you all and hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and will enjoy a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
With Much Love,
The Davis' (Chris, Luanne, Faith and Peanut~due 06/11/07)

UPDATES!!!!October 9th, 2006! Faith is 18 MONTHS OLD!!!!!!It's been a while since I've updated the site and I apologize! So much has been going on! Chris, Faith's daddy, and I got married on June 24!!! It has been so wonderful to have him here with us instead of 620 miles away like he was for so long! Faith is doing great! Although we recently had a 2 week stay in the hospital she is now home and doing much better! She had a virus with a lot of congestion and it was too much for her little body. She went into respiratory distress and was admitted and put on oxygen. She did a total of 20 days on antibiotics counting from the week before she was admitted! She recovered fairly quickly from the virus but had a difficult time weaning off of the oxygen. She's home now and doing great!! She's about 24 inches long and weighs about 17 pounds! She sounds little and is but she is still so chunky!! I will try to post some pics here as soon as I get them resized! On another note....FAITH IS GOING TO BE A BIG SISTER!!! Yep, we found out while she was in the hospital! Our first ultrasound is on the 18th and we will know then about when I'm due! We are thinking in June sometime! Please pray for us for this pregnancy!! We love you all and will try to do better at updating the site more often!

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